Bee's Wrap Honeycomb Medium Wrap

$ 7.00

Natural food wraps can make a powerful difference in reducing plastic waste. Whether your food storage needs are for on-the-go snacks, family dinners, or homemade desserts, these organic food wraps are made to fit your lifestyle.

Includes: 1 medium, 10" x 11", great for medium fruits and veggies, pastries, and cheese
How to use: use the warmth of your hands to wrap bruit, bread, cookies, cheese, or cover bowls and casserole dishes. 
Materials: organic cotton, sustainably sourced beeswax, organic jojoba oil, and tree resin.

Bee’s Wrap is committed to reducing the dependence on single-use plastics by changing food storage habits. Their reusable, fully biodegradable, and compostable beeswax wraps make it easy to store everything from fruit and vegetables to baked goods and leftovers. Based in Middlebury, Vermont.