Big Sky Candle

$ 70.00

The stunning views of the mountains are breathtaking and the sky seems to go on forever with the notes of pink peppercorn and the spiciness of clove bud, mixed with Lafco’s other signature scents. A beautifully designed handblown glass vessel crafted to enhance the burning experience and can be reused as a part of your home decor.

: 15.5 oz
Burn time: Approximately 90 hours
Key Ingredients: Soy wax, essential oil based fragrances, and a touch of paraffin wax for fragrance delivery.

Top note: Pink peppercorns, clove bud, nutmeg and oud
Middle note: Ylang, cognac and artemisia
Bottom note: Sandalwood, patchouli and amber

Lafco’s products are designed with a promise to deliver a high-quality, natural, sustainable and guilt-free experience. From environmental concerns to your own health, they understand the value in premium quality goods and experiences and embody those values by using ethically sourced ingredients, sustainable manufacturing processes and environmentally friendly practices. Their products evoke a soothing, invigorating, meditative and inspiring sensory response. Made in the United States and based in New York City.